Cancel Subscription

  • Are you looking to leave the club ?

    Sorry that you are looking to leave Eldwick Juniors Football Club, before you leave, please complete our Notice to Leave form online.

    If there is anything we can do to help as a club or if there is any particular reason for leaving, i.e. upset at a certain event within the club or team / age group that could possibly be resolved.

    If yes , reach out to club by completing our online complaint and concern form found on the home page.

  • Cancelling Your Subscription

    If you or child are regrettably leaving Eldwick Juniors Football Club, we would ask you to notify the club at the earliest opportunity by completing our online cancellation form below.

    Any player requesting to cancel their subscription needs to make sure all payments are up to date, as the club holds the right under FA guidelines to hold transfer of a player's registration to another club.

    The notice period for leaving the club is 7 days,  to allow the club to perform the necessary checks and to process any actions needed to cancel subscription.

    Reminder our subscription is a monthly rolling subscription but with our yearly registration being spread over 12 months from 1st August to 1st July with total cost being £180 across this period (£15 per month), any outstanding balance could be requested and any player leaving at the end of the competive season may be required to pay any remaining balance as a one-off payment to be agreed by both parties.

Cancellation Subscription

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